Monday, 14 March 2011

Knee Deep in it

Uncharacteristically fed up.

It would appear that my assumption of stuffed knee is entirely correct. I have stuffed the other knee and it appears there is only one way out of this tricky situation.

Another operation.

The GP tried to put it gently, as if they would merely brush my leg with the smallest of invasion.

"They will have a little look, a little tidy up and maybe a repair"

"I had an arthroscopy 18 months ago" say I

"Oh no" says she "You know exactly what you will be facing then"

No kidding.

I can barely remember the last one. Trying to recover from an op at the same time as discovering your husband had a hankering for polyester (though looking back, he always did) was hardly conducive to recovery and resulted in being on crutches for 5 weeks.

I have googled how to drive your children to school when you can't and nothing of any use came up. I googled how much the operation was privately but decided that 2k on a credit card was a bad idea since I could not pay it back. How much easier, no hideous hospital, no cancellations. I could book it next week and rid myself of continued pain with the inevitable months waiting. Over and done with whilst I am still fed up.


All donations of £2k made payable to me. Thank you in anticipation.

Sometimes life is a little unfair. I am trying not to dwell on it and remain positive. This is challenging, since I am now allergic to the pain relief.


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