Sunday, 23 May 2010

DIY and balls

I went to the DIY shop with a man yesterday. Always great company but you can tell so much about someone in the way they shop. Sadly I am on red alert to all possible warning signs. Do not purchase a hat.

You go in for two things. You get one. Is this a waste of a trip or are you pleased that you got one item. It always goes back to glass half full or empty. I publicly state that I will never again live with someone with pessimistic tendency. Whilst over exuberant optimism would be draining - positive realism is good.

I was up early yesterday in a bid to reclaim my eyebrows. By 10am we were in Barton Farm in BOA to view the local triathlon event. Perfect morning, beautiful sunshine, soft grass and watching fit and healthy men jump up and down in sport wear. All without lifting a finger.

By 12, I was back at home wondering about gardening. The garden is barren, finances are not extending to lush fauna and the sheer day to day of life has excluded adequate time for such activity. As a result, the garden is looking dire. I stood and started, and stared some more. There was only one thing to do and it came in the shape of a bikini. The garden still looks awful but I feel so much more relaxed

Swimming party in the afternoon and so DIY trip man and I went to the Bath Cricket club for a drink. It was supposed to be a relaxing affair, watching the bating but I spotted the pool table. Sad, I know. Picked up boys and rounded off day with a somewhat aggressive round of tennis on DIY trip mans lawn. I think I must avoid such sport as I clearly have a very competitive trait simmering underneath, In a bid to annihilate DIY trip man, I accidentally smashed the racket on top of the head of one child and scored an ace in the groin of another. Fortunately, they still love me.

I have been challenged to a proper game. Things could get aggressive

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