Sunday, 25 April 2010

vicarious living

One of my favourite expressions is 'living vicariously through someone else'. It is such a great sentence. I have, for sometime had an 'anonymous' poster who sends on the whole, malicious comments. They could be about me, the children, or telling me that the repro man is after the house.

Clearly they are ill informed, since it is not the repro man that is after the house, it is it. I have always found it a tad irksome that any adult would make comments about children, but since anyone who felt the inclination to send malicious comments at all - was probably unworthy of any real cerebral consideration and certainly not anyone of cerebral ability, am not unduly bothered.

What I find most fascinating is that this person, who clearly knows of me and of the children - is totally obsessed by my life. A complete and clear cut case of living vicariously through someone else - they border on an obsession with the amount of times they read this blog. I am not sure I can grasp the intellect of someone who hides behind anonymity to show the side of their personality that is truer than anything they could ever present in public, but the clearly have no life of their own that they should have to read this blog as much as they do.

I have never had an issue with my thought process. There is little that happens in my life that hasn't happened to thousands of others. In this sense I am hardly likely to be particularly bothered by someone with inadequate social ability and lets face it, I have experience on those with issues with adequacy. I am however, delighted that my life is clearly and undoubtedly more fascinating than their own.

The one thing that really bothers me though, is their complete and utter inability to spell. Frankly, if they have the time to be on the Internet for the best part of the day, they certainly have time to research how to use a spell check.

One point of reflection. I recall last year writing an entry on the village idiot. It was a fine description. Perhaps the link was far too tenuous for those with limited cognitive function.


On a more interesting note. I had a great night out tonight with another mother of 4 who had spent a similar amount of her life with a man of a very similar nature to 'it'. Like me, she is also dealing with the bulk of financial responsibility and the full responsibility of raising her children without assistance.

It was universally agreed that being single and answerable to no one else - is a very exciting point in life. There is another expression in life about not going back and frankly, who would want to? She has got the added benefit of not actually having been married and for that I envy her. I have had to seriously consider whether I have an issue with marriage but in fact, the only real issue is in the choices I made.

You would not believe how damn difficult it is in just getting divorced. You would think it would be no more than 'It's over, I am leaving, you can have the children and I will behave decently' Apparently not. Apparently it is more common place to keep trying to hold on to the past and use everything you have in you to prevent any moving on happening at all. When people have got some point to make, they throw money at a solicitor and it goes on and on and on. Whatever they were after starts to dwindle compared to the bills they are racking up in legal fees and the only people that really suffer are the children.

It seems that many people seriously believe that divorce, acrimony, uncertainty and lack of understanding do not affect children. One of mine has spent the last three weeks attached to my side. If I move, he moves. If he wakes up, he cries, if I go out, he wakes up in hysterics and when I wake up, I have a tiny upturned nose attached to mine. Yep, they will deal with it, yes they will grow up and be okay but the damage becomes entrenched and it will impact on the way they are as adults, the relationships they have and the way they respond to their own children. For those that were really screwed up by their childhood and remember insecurity and fear, they run the risk of replicating the very same with their own children.

I have absolutely no comprehension of why anyone would want to inflict that on their own offspring. Yet they do, time and time again.

It sucks

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