Friday, 19 February 2010

This is not good.

The reason apparently for collapsing and smashing various body parts was exhaustion. She thought the chances of a TIA were slim since I could balance. I felt reassured at this. I have been banned from working and stress. Not working will add to my stress, since I get paid less.

I have been given the task of compiling a business plan. This is part of my new theory that if I throw myself into unpaid work experience, I may stumble across a vocation. Since it is not being paid for it doesn't really constitute work. Besides, I have said it will be completed by tomorrow morning

I am still only half way through, the lines are blurred, the floor keeps moving and my brain feels like it is bulging.

Perhaps the trick is to not move anything other than my fingers.

And to top it all, there are no eyebrow waxing guru's free in the next 72 hours

This is definitely not good.

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