Saturday, 30 January 2010

I am a rich woman.

I have 260.00 in my bank account and it has to last the entire month. Now that is what I call a challenge. If I come back in another life - I am definitely opting for testicles.

I suspected I would have a baptism by fire in terms of now being responsible for all of the bills and I think this month is it. Still, I am seeking to challenge the laws of the country and make it so that no woman is allowed to procreate until they have a bond of at least 100k per child, safely secured. Should infertility or successful marriage result - then said bond can be used for expensive holiday in retirement. Should fertility and unsuccesful marriage result, lone parent is secure in the knowledge that there is in fact enough money to pay for ridiculous costs involved in raising children as a result.

Just think, no CSA required, no burning money in legal fees and the birth rate would drop dramatically. More money for education, health and a policeman on every street corner. I should have been a politician. If I had been a politician, I could claim all of my expenses too. It would have been a win win situation.

Still, there is no going back and every challenge is no more than a challenge. (Ahhhhhh)

Having got back to a place where I no longer am bothered about dating anyone - it appears I am radiating large red bottom and emitting mate me hormones again. It is simply the strangest thing. Maybe when you are not looking, you walk differently. I am not sure.

Four male related events have happened this week. Firstly there is the man that I have told that I am not dating. I keep bumping into him and as a chum - he is good company. I discovered that the reason I keep bumping into him is because he keeps being in places where he might 'bump' into me. Awkward. I think I would prefer not to have been told that.

No 2: Yesterday I got checked out by a man. I am not complaining as he was rather a gorgeous specimen. Not the heart stopping, lurch of time standing still rather rare gorgeous, but the 'check you out' kind of gorgeous. Tall, muscly and at most 28. I checked him too and so it went on. It was a slightly blushing, sneaky grin encounter. Until his girlfriend joined him.

She was gorgeous too. I am not really sure why anyone would be checking anyone else out when they have a gorgeous girlfriend. Clearly gorgeous girlfriend was not aware that gorgeous man was checking other women. I suspect that she will one day discover that for herself.

Still, it was a brief and pleasant moment to the day. Later, whilst perusing a charity shop (thank you to the donor who was unaware of the value of Arne Jacobsen) I was approached by a gentleman who asked if he could take me out for a drink. I politely declined, advising him that I was not currently seeking to date anyone and that I had no plans to do so in the near future. Insistent that I should take his business card lest I change my mind, he left. I can categorically state that I will not be dating the odd job man from Chippenham. Not now, not ever.

Being picked up in a charity shop was a somewhat depressing experience. I have a friend that thinks it would be the perfect place, since she spends most of her time in them. We had to have a serious conversation on the difference in her finding someone that simply liked being in charity shops, rather than needing to be in one. Her life does not need to get harder.

Middle child thinks I have turned 'weird'. Apparently this is because I was never approached whilst married. I am not entirely sure how this is my fault. This is the same child who had to hide me (Coincidentally in the same shop) in a bid to become invisible to the Chef that I had unwittingly agreed to go out with, and then had to spend several months hiding from. I pointed out that the being married should mean you do not look like you might be willing to date. Being married means that you do not take other peoples phone numbers. Being married means that if you do, you may not be married for much longer. I didn't tell him that being married can often result in looking like you have lost the will to live - not often attractive to anyone.

I am making all sorts of life plans at the moment. One of them includes male moment no 4. Yesterday, I saw the man that I am going to marry. Now clearly, I am in no rush. Having come out at the other end of 23 years, I have too much fun to be had as single to contemplate any speedy action. However, I shall marry him in 2 years time. He of course, has no idea of my plan, no idea of me and nor does he need to. As long as I know, that really is all the counts. There will be no chasing, there is no need. I am rarely wrong and until that time, I anticipate some heel kicking.

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