Friday, 26 December 2008

I had a revelation. Jesus was born of the virgin birth and visited by men, guided by a bright star bearing expensive presents. Ironic really - that we celebrate the birth that a man had nothing to do with, and the only people turning up with expensive gifts are the ones under guidance. Mary, having managed to get pregnant herself, is forced to give birth in substandard accomodation - despite living with a carpenter.

Nothing new then

My mother in law is coming today. I found out yesterday. In fact, I had heard a rumour from one of the children - but it was the unreliable one and so any information offered has to be taken with a large dose of salt. Yet he was right, they will be arriving today and staying for however long they are staying. Obviously I don't know how long that will be, as I didn't get told they were coming. Fortunately I am at work and will avoid most of it but feel certain that on my return - we will all start the Waltons scene again.

Christmas simply would not be the same without Charades

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