Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Another thought and elsewhere,
Isn't it sad how people can be in total external denial about behaviour. No matter how you behave, deep down, in the couple of minutes before you go to sleep - you will know the difference between having integrety and not. The things that you do that make you feel worthless are the reasons that you have that feeling. External superiority fools no one.
At the end of the day, grown ups are not children. Let go of the past and start taking responsibility for actions. There is no excuse for unnecessary unkindness. None
It is this behaviour that creates a loneliness that will erode you. It will continue to do so until the day that you decide to grow up. Chances are like shooting stars, you need to see them to appreciate how special they were.
Sleep well lonely one.
PS. The thing about words is that they can speak to whoever hears them. This may not be about you and yet it may be aimed directly at you. If you all suffer the same unhappiness then the words will speak to you anyway.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Saturday, 11 July 2009
This leads us to an important question: what does the psychopath REALLY get from their victims? It's easy to see what they are after when they lie and manipulate for money or material goods or power. But in many instances, such as love relationships or faked friendships, it is not so easy to see what thepsychopath is after. We can only say that it seems to be that the psychopath ENJOYS making others suffer.
Anyone who has ever observed a cat playing with a mouse before killing and eating it has probably explained to themselves that the cat is just "entertained" by the antics of the mouse and is unable to conceive of the terror and pain being experienced by the mouse, and the cat, therefore, is innocent of any evil intent. The mouse dies, the cat is fed, and that is nature. Psychopaths don't generally eat their victims.
Yes, in extreme cases the entire cat and mouse dynamic is carried out and cannibalism has a long history wherein it was assumed that certain powers of the victim could be assimilated by eating some particular part of them. But in ordinary life, psychopaths and narcissists don't go all the way, so to say. This causes us to look at the cat and mouse scenarios again with different eyes. Now we ask: is it too simplistic to think that the innocent cat is merely entertained by the mouse running about and frantically trying to escape? Is there something more to this dynamic than meets the eye? Is there something more than being "entertained" by the antics of the mouse trying to flee? After all, in terms of evolution, why would such behavior be hard-wired into the cat? Is the mouse tastier because of the chemicals of fear that flood his little body? Is a mouse frozen with terror more of a "gourmet" meal?
This suggests that we ought to revisit our ideas about psychopaths with a slightly different perspective. One thing we do know is this: many people who experience interactions with psychopaths and narcissists report feeling "drained" and confused and often subsequently experience deteriorating health. Does this mean that part of the dynamic, part of the explanation for why psychopaths will pursue "love relationships" and "friendships" that ostensibly can result in no observable material gain, is because there is an actual energy consumption?
We do not know the answer to this question. We observe, we theorize, we speculate and hypothesize. But in the end, only the individual victim can determine what they have lost in the dynamic - and it is often far more than material goods. In a certain sense, it seems that psychopaths are soul eaters or "Psychophagic."
Conscience seems to depend on the ability to imagine consequences. But most "consequences" relate to pain in some way, and psychopaths really don't understand pain in the emotional sense. They understand frustration of not getting what they want, and to them, that is pain. But the fact seems to be that they act based solely on a sort of Game Theory evaluation of a situation: what will they get out of it, and what will it cost? And these "costs" have nothing to do with being humiliated, causing pain, sabotaging the future, or any of the other possibilities that normal people consider when making a choice. In short, it is almost impossible for normal people to even imagine the inner life of the psychopath.
This leads us to what psychopaths DO have that is truly outstanding: an ability to give their undivided attention to something that interests them intensely.
Manipulation is the key to the psychopath's conquests. Initially, the psychopathwill feign false emotions to create empathy, and many of them study the tricks that can be employed by the empathy technique. Psychopaths are often able to incite pity from people because they seem like "lost souls" as Guggenbuhl-Craig writes. So the pity factor is one reason why victims often fall for these "poor" people.
Now I recognise that this is far more fascinating for me than it is for anyone reading this but since most of my recent outpourings have been a cathartic vomit than an entertaining script - bear wiith me. And fascinating it is since 'It's" nickname was in fact 'Poor It' - so now I search for my part in this drama
Even more amazing is the fact that when psychopaths do get exposed by someone who is not afraid to admit that they have been conned, the psychopathis a master at painting their victims as the "real culprits."
Psychopaths just have what it takes to defraud and bilk others. And even when they are exposed, they can carry on as if nothing has happened, often making their accusers the targets of accusations of being victimized by THEM.
The victims keep asking: "How could I have been so stupid? How could I have fallen for that incredible line of baloney?" And, of course, if they don't ask it of themselves, you can be sure that their friends and associates will ask "How on earth could you have been taken in to that extent?"
The usual answer: "You had to be there" simply does not convey the whole thing. Hare writes:
What makes psychopaths different from all others is the remarkable ease with which they lie, the pervasiveness of their deception, and the callousness with which they carry it out.
But there is something else about the speech of psychopaths that is equally puzzling: their frequent use of contradictory and logically inconsistent statements that usually escape detection. Recent research on the language of psychopaths provides us with some important clues to this puzzle, as well as to the uncanny ability psychopaths have to move words - and people- around so easily. […]
Here are some examples:
When asked if he had ever committed a violent offense, a man serving time for theft answered, "No, but I once had to kill someone."
A woman with a staggering record of fraud, deceit, lies, and broken promises concluded a letter to the parole board with, "I've let a lot of people down… One is only as good as her reputation and name. My word is as good as gold."
A man serving a term for armed robbery replied to the testimony of an eyewitness, "He's lying. I wasn't there. I should have blown his fucking head off."
I love this bit. I always assumed it was just the lack of ability to articulate at speed.
So what does all this mean. Nothing really, except that in terms of turning my life into a sitcom - it gets better and more dramatic every day. The fodder for future royalty is huge.
On a sadder note, how must all this seem through the eyes of a child. How do they see life when one day Dad walks out and Mummy and Daddy never exchange a word again. How surreal must that be? How must it be when one day when you are older you realise that Daddies mobile only works when Mummy sends a text saying if signal is bad, she can come over in the car to say goodnight?
On another note - I am going on a date with a total stranger. The only thing I know is his name. In reality - isn't this the only thing you truly ever know?
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Saturday, 4 July 2009
There are other mistakes that we would benefit from learning from. I would have hoped that 'It' may learn from some of his, but apparently not. It is now over 4 months since the teenager and 'it' had contact. The start of this arose the night 'it' wouldn't let the teenager stay the night and the fact that it became apparent that 'it' would rather stay at the PCS's die a death of tedium house. In an ideal world 'it' would have learnt that putting your son behind your priority of eating homemade fish pie in lights on timer land - was not a good choice. He has not.
This week saw the school leavers ball and his own inimitable style of leaving everything to the last minute, the teenager had no suit. With just 24 hours to go, even he was feeling a little alarmed and had decided on a dawn jaunt to Bristol's finest in a bid to secure the elusive outfit.
Now living in the country has some drawbacks and one is the lack of public transport. An early morning dash to Bristol involves a late night transport to a chum with more suitably placed accommodation. So in a bid to rescue the situation, I had a blinding flash of inspiration.
"Don't worry" say I, "Your father has a dinner suit and you are a similar size, we can ask him"
"What about shoes" asks the teenager
"No problem" I declare smug in my problem solving ability "You can wear his wedding shoes"
"He won't want to lend them to me" says the teenager, or words there about
"Don't be ridiculous, he won't mind at all" say I confidently
So I text It and ask if I can scoot over and collect. He texts back saying he is out and can drop them off in the morning. I text back saying I need them tonight to save the teenager staying in town. He texts back that he can drop them off in the morning. I text back to say that if he gets it tonight then he won't need to go to town tonight. He texts back to say that he can drop them off into town in the morning. I text back to say that he only needs to stay in town if the suit does not fit. He texts back.... and so on.
By this point it is abundantly clear that he is not going home that night and it is by then very obvious to both the Teenager and I where he is and that yet again, he is not going to put anyone elses needs above his own. Any Dad would have said to his PCS "I am going to have to go and do something for my son, I will be back in 40 minutes" but not this one. More importantly, he would have shown his son that he was prepared to put him before anyone else. Sadly, he showed his son that he was not going to. Sadder still was that his son predicted it.
So the teenager stays in town for an early rise to Bristol clutching a collection of £10 notes. By lunch time he hasn't called and I am getting a little stressed. By 2pm he has a shirt and a hat. By 2.30pm he has a hat, having lost the shirt. By 2.45 he has two shirts and two jackets, a hat and a pair of trousers - all mismatching, no shoes and 15 minutes to get to Bradford on Avon.
By 3.15 I am still waiting. By 3.30pm I am requested to find a white tie and a pair of shoes. I find neither but do find an Armani suit for £20 in the charity shop. By the time he gets off the train at 5pm, I have been waiting 2 hours and between us we have a healthy selection of outfits. We also only have 45 minutes to get home, eat and for him to be back in town at the 'get dressed together whilst parents drink' event.
I stop on the way to borrow a pair of shoes.
"Could you look after the little ones for a while" I ask the lender of shoes. When she says yes, I decide to push a little further
"Could you give them a bath" I ask. Standing there with two small children covered head to foot in mud and chocolate, clutching a pair of pyjamas, I am not sure she felt able to say no.
So we get to the party, the boys change - all the Mums and Dads drink sparkling stuff and the boys all parade in their finest. All except mine who has forgotten his shirt and is sporting a Nike number. A mad dash back to the village, small clean ones collected and teenager changed into shirt.
It arrives in the midst of collections to finally drop off middle childs lunch money. He has ignored my point that since the teenager still eats at lunch time, he still needs money. Teenager
clearly annoyed.
Still, he left a really nice note to say that he acknowledges that he failed to make any comment or wish luck in regards to his GCSE's, that he did notice the monumental point of him finishing school and hoped he had a fantastic time at his leavers ball. Actually, I made all that up - he made no comment. I bet on reading this that you were surprised that he would do that. No need, he didn't.
So the teenager finally leaves, courtesy of a neighbour on a heavily mirror clad lambaretta, looking very suave and grown up. After the very stressful 24hrs trying to sort out outfit, transport and ticket - I am £100 lighter and have a migraine. I then vomit.
By the morning I have a full blown migraine. Getting small children to school whilst trying to retain the contents of your stomach is no easy task and nor is completing a weekly session of physiotherapy
"You look like Victoria Beckham with those glasses" Say's the medic "I feel more like your personal trainer than your physio"
I give him the option; I can wear the glasses and look like VB or I can take them off and vomit on your Adidas, I tell him
"Victoria Beckham is working for me" he replies
I get home and find a letter from 'It's solicitors, informing me that their client 'it" has instructed them to contact me and they are pleased that we have decided to use mediation to resolve issues with our marital breakdown. It goes one to point out that 'It' has not instructed them to act further at this stage. This letter is not good for my migraine. For weeks he has refused to respond to any of my emails, for months he has refused to discuss money. As for the not acting further bit, am I to expect a divorce paper listing refusal to dress like his mother and make fish pie as a justifiable cause of marital breakdown?
The whole point in mediation was that we tried to approach the issues yourselves in a conciliatory manner. I try to think of any good reason why you would pay a solicitor to write you a letter when your wife had already said that dependant on your openness, she would go to mediation. I see none. Using a solicitor instead of simply replying to an email with 'Okay, I will arrange it' is indeed a hostile move.
Never go to war with someone that can contain their anger. Angry people make mistakes. Calm ones do not.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
This man once spoke to middle child. I struggle to recall the exact words but it was something along the lines of
"Get off the fxxxxing grass, you fxxxxxx little xxxxx"
Now call me old fashioned but I do not view this as an appropriate way of speaking to a then 10 year old and so, quite out of character for one that prefers to avoid confrontation - I decided to go and tell him.
It wasn't a very productive conversation. The man and his wife swore so much I struggled to make sense with what they were saying. Apparantly child had walked on a grass bank in front of the house. At this point I was yet to discover that they did not own the bank, nor did they in fact have planning permission or ownership of the concrete steps and gateway they had placed over it. So at this point I had little more than my stance against the decline in moral guidance by adults.
"Do you have children of your own" I enquired.
"No and I wouldn't fxxxxzng want brats like yours" the refined lady replied
"So" say I "There is a God" and turning heel, I left.
At this point I phoned the local police and advised that inappropriate and foul language directed on one so young was less than good citizenship. They agreed and sadly for them - they regularly invite this charming chap to have chats on his word usage with locals.
Now since this event I have in fact stumbled across him whilst walking the dog. We have chatted in a civilized manner and both continued walking our bitches (mine was the dog), so the incident yesterday was doubly funny when I realised that when walking the odg, he had no idea who I was. I have looked up tourettes but it is no more likely to have a predisposition to amnesia than any other quirk.
So I told everyone in my favourite drinking venue that I am now a scabby bitch. I can laugh about this because I know that it is untrue - I am still having a close relationship with the Clarins Body Serum and enriched body lotion and as such, have skin like a 12 month olds butt.
On returning to the car last night a friend was horrified.
"Oh my God" She declared "You didn't leave it like this, you've been broken into"
She was absolutely right, the car had been turned upside down and it was in complete chaos.
She was wrong about it being broken into though. No self respecting car thief would ever break into my car and if I thought they could find anything quicker than I do, I would willingly leave all the doors open and a list of items I lost in there.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Last night when I went to bed, I covered myself in Clarins body products (thankyou to the chum that gets the invitation to the charity sale) and realised that actually, I quite like being on my own. I think this is good. I have stopped looking at every man that walks within a five mile radius and decided that slavvering CLarins all over and going to bed with the Sunday Times magazine (albeit 2 weeks old) is quite heartening. I forsee a future of stubbly legs and many cats.
On the subject of heartening - When I was about 8, someone asked me what my favourite item of food was; I had no hesitation in naming the humble potato. With young logic I knew that I could saute, mash, roast, boil, fry or turn it into salad and for that reason - I would have enough options to avoid the tedium of the same food each day. So it was ironic that today the humble potato was dedicated to me.
I have a friend, well known in Bradford for her culinary skills and catering. This diva of the kitchen has a blog of hearty family based recipes and is written in a 'Come sit around the hearth whilst I pound Cardoman' kind of way. So I am perusing her offerings when I come across instruction for sublime baked potatoes. A script to me at the start and ending with:
Don't you feel better? Eat all alone. You were too good for him, anyway
I was very moved. I shed a tear at the start and laughed very loudly at the end. No matter what happens in life, you always have the potato. Life is sustained with the spud. You have a potato and friends that think of you when you are not standing in front of them - then life has to be good.
There are those that always thinks of you and others that always talk of you. I discovered this today courtesy of Freecycle. Last week I put an advert on the site for a book on seperation and divorce. Clearly I now need to know the stages you have to skip through in this process and it seemed appropriate to read about it. I did add in the body copy 'This should be enough to get tongues wagging' and indeed it has. Apparently I am now filing for divorce. I know this because a friend told me and someone told her. By the time it had got to her, there was no mention of wagging tongues but more of 'grateful for support'.
Now I do live in a small area, tongues wag and that is part of the charm of living where I do. Yet there was a little annoyance. I for one am very good at adding 2+2 and gainingg 4. Most people I know come up with 7.
I decided that there was only one way of dealing with the chinese whispers and so I did what any responsible person would. I posted a wanted ad for an Ovulation Predictor Kit.
Now that should get the tongues wagging
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Middle child is bike refreshed after his lovely mother getting him a new one. Technically speaking it isn't new as we hauled it out of a skip but he didn't have it before, I gave it to him and so to him - it is new and I am a very nice skip tramp. Nothing but the best and all that.
Why would anyone throw a perfectly fine Raleigh bike in a skip. Middle child rather pleased and not in the slightest bothered by its pink hue. This is good because even if he had been, he would still have got the same bike.
The evenings are becoming a little taxing as everyone wants to go out on bikes. Rather lovely but I have had to come up with time saving methods. my best yet is to attach a slightly insane Weimeraner to the handlebars via a lead. It works a treat, she goes like the clappers, I don't have to peddle and when she suddenly bolts after a rabbit - it is quite an excilerating experience.
'It' has still failed to pay last months mortgage. Several emails, several texts and still a bounced payment. Expected but a little alarming as there has not been a full payment since he marched. I may start looking at tents on EBay.
Further alarming moments include children coming home very excited by the 18 rated film they got to see. The small one, apparently asleep on the sofa declared with glee that he had seen army men that were blown to bits. A conversation ensued with 'It'.
'It was fine, it was on in the day'
"Yes, but it was only on in the day because you recorded it from the night before"
"Fine, I won't let them record anything again" he says
It is becoming more clear that we are in fact, existing on different planets. I may as well give up AA Milne and read them the David Van Thal Horror stories. I would ask who on earth would want their children watching 18 rated movies but alas, I know the answer. I think my idea of an Enid Blyton childhood is now being pick axed.
So having decided that this was not an issue I could side step, I said my piece and left it. Until that is, a parent at school advised me the next morning that they had come across the little ones in the park whilst 'It' was in deep slumber. The hubby was all for marching up and saying something. How I wished he had because everything I say is taken with yet another dose of hatred. Clearly having two very young children playing with a kite, with an open gate onto the road would not make a great advert for parental health and safety and the problem with acrimonious separation is that you are unlikely to call and say
'You know you did a great job the other day, the children came back in one piece'
The teenager is surviving his GCSE's well. Very exhausted today as he had 4 exams, including an AS all in one day. I am not convinced that having 4 minutes between a 2 hour exam is guaranteed to get the best but we shall have to see. I once told him that you should find a way of relaxing, he found his by simply not revising. It seems to work well, at one point I was suffering from parental stress transference disorder but i too gave up. There was simply no point.
Yesterday the teenager, my half child (He is not but is part of the furniture and so named) and I, went for a picnic by the river in BoA following yet another GCSE. It is moments like this that I feel very lucky. For two towering teenagers to be willing to sit and picnic with Mummy is a real achievement. At this age, I would have rather chewed toe nails than go sit in a park with my parents. It was lovely and I know that the box of cakes had nothing to do with it